Part 14: Episode XI: Join My Team

Following Tidus' future time narration spot/present time zoning out session, Wakka has headed north away from the beach. I suppose we ought to follow him.

New Music: Besaid Island (Recommended Listening!)

Yeah. Yeah. I got it. Just got turned around, is all...
Tidus continues following after Wakka...

Tidus has got to be sick of falling off shit at this point. It's getting to be like Fei Fong Wong and exploding. Wait, no...
Wakka dives down...

So we're now told to go vaguely in the northeastern direction by the mini-map as our new destination. Of course, looking at the actual map, the only direction we can go is southeast. This is kind of an annoying aspect of the mini-map, since often the goal and the actual layout are in totally opposite directions that loop all over before finally popping out at the right spot. God help you if there is a multi-layer map.
Anyway, shoving a new friend into the water might qualify as a "playful" thing to do (if you ignore the fact that he JUST nearly drowned.) You know what is NOT playful?

Shoving a new friend into a frickin' piranha infested lake. That is not playful. That is just straight up being a dick. However, I suppose it could be payback for Tidus attempting to take Wakka's head off with that blitzball kick.

In any case, Wakka has unceremoniously joined the party and serves as the third and final character in the game with the ability to battle underwater. Wakka's weapon of choice is... a blitzball. Yup. Guy is just going to launch a ball at monsters SO HARD, it straight up kills them.

One thing I didn't mention about the whole Sphere Grid thing is everyone pretty much starts with higher and lower base stats that will pretty much stay consistent for the duration of the base game. Wakka has high Strength and really great Accuracy (given he's winging balls at people's heads and all), but average Evasion and HP, with shitty Agility and MP. So you know, you could in theory go off to teach Wakka to be a mage pretty early on. He's just going to be a shitty mage compared to characters starting off with good magic stats. That said, Wakka is pretty good for the offensive side of things overall.

To start out, Wakka also comes equipped with Dark Attack, which will inflict the Darkness status effect (read: accuracy goes to shit) for three turns. This could be useful down the line. Not here, considering sneezing on Piranhas will 1-shot 'em. But status effects in Final Fantasy X are a bit more useful than they were in previous titles (read: almost never outside of rare bosses with weird weaknesses.) It's no Shin Megami Tensei level of live or die by buffs and debuffs or anything. But they're still worth remembering at least.

Speaking of piranhas, it isn't a bad idea to swim around for a bit and farm 'em for spheres. They shit out pretty much all the basic spheres. In particular, it's an easy source of Ability Spheres, which seem to really dry up later on in the game. Just a thought...

All in all, outside the man-eating demon fish, we are just treated to a pleasant swim through tropical Besaid with some chill tunes in the air.

It can happen to anyone... anywhere...

...When you least expect it...

Bromance. What may just come off as innocent horseplay to the average person will be twisted and corrupt into something horrid by those with overly active imaginations, far too few friends, and way too much time. Don't become a victim of unrequited bromance.

Wakka lets go of Tidus...

Tidus swims off by himself...

Some time later...

The first step to victory is a well-balanced breakfast. So let's get on to the village proper to sort that out.
A few yards later...

The pair runs off toward town...

Tidus sighs and looks dejected...

Good to know. Well, we've heard enough about that joint. Might as well get there already. Despite what the Crusaders said,

New Music: The Sight of Spira (Recommended Listening!)

Wakka begins wandering off. But stops short and heads back to Tidus.

We're given the option as to how Tidus should respond here. If you think those two choices look remarkably similar, you're right. Recalling that we clearly saw the prayer back on the beach is sadly not in Tidus' cards.

Yup. It's still the same invisible ball cradling to bow motion we've seen a couple times now.

Wakka walks off...

Welp, time to have our ignorant ass hero hit the town next. Should be fun...

Video: Episode 10 Highlight Reel

Besaid Ruins Concept Art

Besaid Village Concept Art